1804 Original Creole Black Rice with Lobster

1804 Original Creole Black Rice with Lobster

1804 Original Creole Black Rice with Lobster
Cook Time: 35 minutes


  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 1 ½ cups rice
  • ¼ tbsp salt
  • 1 cup lima beans
  • 2 ½ cups water
  • 5 black mushroom cubes
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 4 tbsp 1804 Original Epis
  • Lobster tails (quantity as per preference)


  1. 🌶️ In a mixing bowl, combine 4 tbsp of 1804 Original Epis with the cleaned lobster tails. Allow them to marinate for at least 15 minutes.
  2. 🍚 In a large pot, heat 3 tbsp oil over medium heat. Add 2 tbsp of 1804 Original Epis for a burst of Creole flavors that will transform your dish.
  3. Add the lima beans and sauté until lightly toasted.
  4. 🌊 Pour in 2 ½ cups of water, let it come to boil, and add 1 ½ cups of rice to the pot, with ¼ tbsp salt, and stir.
  5. 🍄 Add 5 black mushroom cubes for a rich umami flavor that will elevate your dish.
  6. 🔥 Stir in 2 tbsp of butter to enhance the richness of the rice.
  7. 🦞 Now, take the marinated lobster tails and arrange them on top of the rice mixture.
  8. 🍲 Cover the pot and let it simmer over low heat for approximately 20-25 minutes or until the rice is tender and the lobster is cooked to perfection.
  9. 🎉 Once done, fluff the rice with a fork, ensuring it's infused with the delightful flavors.
  10. 🍽️ Serve your 1804 Original Creole Black Rice with Lobster hot, and savor the exquisite blend of Creole spices, succulent lobster goodness, and the delight of lima beans!

Indulge in a Taste of Haiti with 1804 Original Flavors!


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